Juniper participates in the report of 2021 tourism recovery

Juan Mateos, Juniper’s General Director, has participated in preparing the second report of tourism recovery issued by the PIMEM – Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mallorca.

The report analyses the tourism evolution for the summer of 2021. Juniper, as the leading technological platform in tourism distribution, has concluded that the total volume of planned reservations exceeds those of 2020 and proposes to work deeply on the tourism strategy to accelerate the recovery and achieve a high volume of reservations by 2022.

From these links you can access the press conference that took place yesterday, June 9, 2021 and the different media channels that have published it:

At Juniper we remain committed to our family, the tourism industry, providing the necessary tools to facilitate the distribution of their products. With Tourism and Technology, together, we will advance rapidly in the recovery.